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Editorial ANEABE Layout and composition of the interior pages of the annual report of ANEABE, a non-profit business organization that brings together and represents the Spanish bottled water companies. In colaboration with @itscozyautumn Maquetación y composición de...


Editorial Crossoven In this project the focus was to create a magazine. In response to this project, it is chosen to share some of the recipes that appears in famous TV shows as Friends or The Sopranos with beauty photos and clean layouts. En este proyecto el objetivo...
Historia de Mujeres

Historia de Mujeres

Editorial Historia de Mujeres In this project the focus was to create a new visual identity and layout the interior pages’ for a book. The book chosen for this project was “Historia de mujeres” by Rosa Montero. This book brings together, in a larger version, the...


Editorial CEHAT Cover design and layout design of the interior pages for CEHAT’s annual report. Diseño de la portada y maquetación de páginas interiores de la memoria anual de CEHAT (Confederación Española de Hoteles y Alojamientos...